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Can You Trust Me This Much? - Hardcover

Can You Trust Me This Much? - Hardcover

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A mustard seed. God asks us to have faith the size of an itty, bitty, tiny mustard seed. Now that shouldn’t be so hard,  should it? And yet, so many times we experience difficult, even traumatic events in our lives that make  us ask questions like, “If God loves us and wants the  very best for us, why  does He allow such horrible things to happen?”

For Kevin, it was a school shooting in his town of Buffalo, Minnesota that brought him to ask this important question. And each time he prayed,  he heard the words, “Can you trust me this much? Those words kept replaying in his mind over and over again.

Kevin eventually wrote those six words down on strips of paper and scotch-taped a mustard seed to each one. He proceeded to place the strips in random places. They were in his house, his business, on his computer, and even in his car.

What Kevin discovered (or more accurately, relearned) was how the traumatic events we all face in life can either destroy us or bring us to a place where we realize our pain has a purpose. And when we finally get real and have the crazy courage to face the big hurts - those life-changing events - we can answer with certainty, “Yes…yes, I can trust you this much.”

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